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zoxide is a smarter cd command, inspired by z and autojump. It remembers which directories you use most frequently, so you can “jump” to them in just a few keystrokes. zoxide works on all major shells.

What is zoxide?

  • Smart cd replacement that remembers your most-used directories
  • Works like autojump/ but faster and simpler
  • Learns as you use it - no manual bookmarking needed


For Windows (PowerShell):

winget install zoxide

Basic Setup

Add this to the end of your shell config file (usually ~/.bashrc or ~/.zshrc):

eval "$(zoxide init bash)"  # For bash
eval "$(zoxide init zsh)"   # For zsh
eval "$(zoxide init fish)"  # For fish

Essential Commands

Same as how you use the cd command:

  • z ..: 返回上一级
  • z: 返回家目录
  • z -: 返回上一次进入的目录

See zoxide --help

  • Go to the highest-ranked directory that contains “foo” in the name: zoxide query foo

  • Go to the highest-ranked directory that contains “foo” and then “bar”: zoxide query foo bar

  • Start an interactive directory search (requires fzf): zoxide query --interactive

  • Add a directory or increment its rank: zoxide add path/to/directory

  • Remove a directory from zoxide’s database interactively: zoxide remove path/to/directory --interactive

  • Generate shell configuration for command aliases (z, za, zi, zq, zr): zoxide init bash|fish|zsh

    z <query>Jump to directoryz docu → goes to ~/Documents
    ziInteractive searchzi → fuzzy find directories

    Other commands such as za, zq, zr do not work. zsh: command not found: za

Database Location
